Saturday, June 9, 2007

Downline Meeting

Stampin' Up encourages their demonstrators to get together and share ideas. I finally made it to a meeting. Arline and I learned a lot from Susan, who recruited Arline. She shared with us a new technique that I will be showing at my next party...It's called metallic resist. The purple card is an example of the metallic resist. The other card is just a simple little make and take from Susan's. The last two are ones i made earlier in the year. I learned how important it is to have current stamps, not retired ones, and that keeping in close contact with my customers can really help sales. This is all new to me, I just like to make cards! And other lil goofy things! I hope you enjoy the cards, there will be more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice write up! Glad you shared those cards and your thoughts about the meeting. I had a good time with the cards too and am really glad you came with this time!
